Varuna Residential Fellowship for NT Writers & Illustrators

Spread the word about Varuna’s latest Fellowship supported by the Northern Territory Government through Arts NT.

Located in the world-heritage listed Blue Mountains, Varuna offers writers and illustrators uninterrupted time to develop a new work in an inspirational and productive environment.

A residency at Varuna includes accommodation, a private study and all meals for a cohort of up to five writers at a time.

All fellowships include a two-week residency at Varuna, with full board and accommodation including a prepared evening meal, uninterrupted time to write in your own private studio, and the companionship of your fellow writers. The program also provides $1,350 towards travel expenses, manuscript consultations, or accommodation in Sydney on the way through to the Blue Mountains, enabling each writer to design a fellowship program to suit their individual needs. 

“The chance to mingle with writers from across Australia was not only exciting but inspiring and the free flow of ideas, critique and conversation in the evenings proved to galvanize creative efforts for the next day. The volume of work I was able to create in the fortnight at Varuna was equivalent to months’ worth at home. This also seemed to have a knock-on effect for me as I continue to be more confident and productive”  said Sandra Kendell, one of the fellowship recipients from 2018.

We are looking for emerging or established writers who are developing new work in creative writing or illustration. This could include literary fiction, genre fiction, non-fiction, illustration and graphic novels, young adult fiction, junior fiction, poetry, or writing for screen, theatre or radio. 

 Applications close 14 May 2019

More Information here


2019 Publisher Introduction Program Fellowships


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