Red Room Poetry Fellowship 2025

Australian poets are invited to apply for a week-long residency at Varuna to foster poetic and professional development, supported by mentorship from Red Room Poetry, and with the opportunity for performance and publication. 

Residency dates: Monday 25 August to Monday 1 September 2025
Applications open: 9am Tuesday 3 December 2024 (AEDT)
Applications close: 5pm Tuesday 4 February 2025 (AEDT)  
Places: Five poets will be chosen to stay in person at Varuna, with one extra place for a sixth poet as part of the Anywhere Remote Fellowship.
Who should apply: Poets who have previously been programmed or commissioned by Red Room Poetry, and Emerging Poets who have had no more than one collection of poetry published.
Fees: There are no application fees or residency fees for this program. All meals and travel costs are covered and poets receive a $1000 stipend each.

Please read the FAQ before you apply.

This fellowship encourages poets to undertake an intensive period of creative development that includes a residency at Varuna, dedicated one-on-one mentorship, and a poetic commission to be published as part of National Poetry Month in August. Five poets will be in residence at Varuna simultaneously, establishing a community of practice and encouraging new poetic connections.

A sixth poet will be awarded the Anywhere Remote Fellowship, offering online mentorship and support to a poet working from home. This initiative has been designed by Red Room Poetry to broaden access for poets who face barriers that may make travelling to Varuna a challenge.

All poets previously commissioned or programmed by Red Room Poetry are eligible to apply. At least one of the six places is reserved for a First Nations poet, and at least one place for a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse poet, and at least one place for an Emerging Poet.

The Varuna Red Room Poetry fellowship includes;

  • $1000 stipend

  • A one-week residency at Varuna, with all meals and accommodation provided (Monday 25 August - Monday 1 September 2025)

  • A one-on-one mentoring consultation and group workshopping session on-site at Varuna

  • A public reading opportunity in 2025

  • Online publication of a poem as part of Poetry Month 2025 (an additional publication fee will be paid) 

The Anywhere Remote Fellowship includes;

  • The opportunity to connect online for readings and networking with the other fellowship recipients between Monday 25 August - Monday 1 September 2025

  • A $1000 stipend

  • A one-on-one mentoring consultation online

  • An online reading opportunity in 2025

  • Online publication of a poem as part of Poetry Month 2025 (an additional publication fee will be paid

For more information about staying at Varuna, visit our Residencies page.


What a beautiful, inclusive, refreshing retreat! My cup is full. I feel inspired to return to my project when I get home with an increased enthusiasm and confidence I gained while at Varuna.
— Natalie Damjanovich-Napoleon, Red Room Poetry Fellowship, 2024


You will need to complete a short application form which will include a writing sample of up to 3 poems, saved as a single PDF, using the title of your manuscript or collection. Poets may instead submit an audio sample of their work up to 3 minutes long if that is their preferred medium. You will also be asked to provide a statement of intent describing your work and how you would use the residency.

Assessors will be looking at the two following categories:

  1. Impact - Show potential for this grant to benefit your creative development and advance the proposed poetic project you intend to work on as part of the residency.

  2. Project Merit - The submitted project description and work show a high degree of originality and contribute to Australia's wider culture of contemporary poetry.

If you prefer to submit your application as a Word document, please email us at with your completed form and support material. You can download the form as a Word document here.


  1. Terms and Conditions

  2. FAQ

  3. Information about Accessibility at Varuna

  4. If you have further queries, please email Red Room Poetry or call 1800 POETRY



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