Whitlam Essay Residency Fellowship


 How much is the application fee for the program?

There are no application fees for this program.

If I am successful, are there any fees for participating in the program?

There are no fees for participating in this program. The fellowship includes meals and accommodation for one week. You will also receive a stipend of $500, which includes a $300 honorarium and a $200 payment for the public event.

Are all residents obligated to participate in a public event?

Yes, one of the priorities of the fellowship is engagement with the local community, which may include participating in an evening Salon event, or an author talk at a local school. You will be paid for your time participating in this event.

Am I required to take my fellowship at a specific time of year?

Yes. The week-long residency will need to be taken between 28 April - 11 May 2025.

When will I be notified regarding the outcome?

You will be notified of the outcome of your submission by email, and the fellowship recipients will be announced on our website in early 2025.

Will I receive feedback on my work?

Selectors do not discuss the selection process or offer individual feedback to unsuccessful applicants.

I’ve missed the deadline. Can I still submit an application?

No. Unfortunately, no applications will be accepted after the deadline date.

Is there a word limit for my writing sample?

Yes, the word limit is 5,000 words.

Does the Whitlam Prime Ministerial Home have access for writers with disability or who are D/deaf?

Unfortunately the residence is not currently wheelchair accessible and while plans are underway to address this we cannot guarantee access in 2025. If you have other accessibility requirements, email maeve@varuna.com.au to discuss how they can be accommodated.

Can a support worker stay with me during my residency?

If you notify us in advance of your residency that you would like a support worker to stay with you, we can make arrangements for them to stay in nearby accommodation. If you receive NDIS funding, we can provide any information required to ensure your NDIS support can be used to assist your stay.

Can I apply for more than one Varuna fellowship at a time?


Can I apply for a fellowship submitting work that is already under contract with a publisher?


Who is eligible to apply?

Applicants need to be an Australian citizen or have a permanent residency visa, be over 18 years old and either be a member of Varuna’s alumni or connected to Western Sydney University as staff, students or alumni.