Preparing your submission

Preparing your submission  

As we assess submissions 'blind' it is very important that you do not include your name or identifying details on any portion of your submission.

You will need to save your submission as a single PDF document. Please use the name of your project as the PDF submission name, ensuring the name of the file is 25 characters or less. To convert a Word file to a PDF, go to the File menu in Microsoft Word, select PDF as your file format, then select ‘Save As’. 

Please note the following when formatting your work:

  • General: Submitted work should be predominantly in English

  • Fonts: Ideally, your work should be in Times New Roman (font size 12).

  • Spacing: For long-form work (i.e. fiction or essays), it is helpful if you can use double-spacing and include generous margins of 3 cm on both left and right. However, when work is double-spaced, it can be hard discerning where one paragraph ends and another begins. For this reason, please indent the first line of each new paragraph (you can set up a style in Word to do this automatically).

  • Headers: Include an identifying title and the page number on the top-right-hand corner of each page. 

Plays can be formatted according to the Australian Plays Transform submission guidelines.

Screenplays can be formatted according to Australian Writers’ Centre recommendations.